Energetics™ physical trauma healing training programs
are currently held in San Rafael, CA.
I am particularly excited about offering my special energetic
healing work for the healing of physical trauma because I have seen such wonderful results such as relief from pain and faster
healing come so easily and quickly with a 20 minute session.
As a medical clairvoyant and clairgnostic I am able to usually immediately see or know how the body has gotten disrupted by
trauma, and bring it into harmony and strength once more. I have successfully helped: ~ All kinds
of injuries: falls, broken bones, repetitive motion, childbirth, concussions, etc. ~ Surgeries: organ donation, joint replacement, abortions, etc. ~ Resolution
of pain, restoration of all kinds of flows, release of inflammation, etc.
We are able to address these issues no matter how long
they have been with the body, using a technique I call Renewal Energetics ™.
We are also able to address metaphysical issues associated with the traumas that might have brought it about in the first
An example: I gave my 80 year Mom a 10 minute session long
distance when the doctors did not want to let her out of the hospital after 5 days because her body was not healing well at
all from her hip replacement..... and within a week her physical therapists were amazed that
she was so far ahead of schedule. So exciting!
I have been serving people with RENEWAL
Energetics™ for some years, and we have seen great improvement in their physical, emotional, karmic, and mental healing.
In a study, we found that 15 out of the 15 people who came in for physical issues experienced physical improvement from just
a 20 minute session, with some being quite dramatic, others more subtle. That is 100% relief rate!
Here are some clinic clients' comments after a 20 minute session: (if there are numbers in comments, they
depict the number of session it was. Each paragraph is of a different person).
Back issues: (comments from 20 Minute sessions) tight sacrum, emotional heart issues.......“Your (sound healing) voice really shook
things loose. This session was wonderful. Your gifts are so magnificent, so deep, gentle, and powerful.” A.
swelling in my knee was resolved in the session, and my years long sciatica is GONE! Thank you! Your work is right on!”
David, acupuncturist
sciatic pain, personal empowerment.......Couldn’t sleep all night, pain. She is uncomfortable with most
people touching her, but felt great about me doing so. Trusting. Reported whole body opened. “I feel great, there is
no pain, and my back released. 2) My back is good, back to normal. I could say ‘no’ at work. So very empowering.
3) The back pain is gone.” S.
sciatica, energy opening.......“I can lie without pain now without having to
have my knees up. It feels good! 2) I feel ‘in me’. Things are moving. Your work is terrific.”
sciatica....... “My pelvis
feels much better. I have my feminine energy back. You’ve given me my life back. I can feel my jaw release and chi is
running through my back. You’re teaching me what I forgot, how to feel energy from others and my environment."
pain.......Intense, not able to sleep last night. “ I feel definitely much better.” T.
back pain........“I
feel high. I feel great.” B.
back pain........ “My back is less painful now.” (1st time receives energy
work) B.
back tension........“I felt a big release in my vertebrae. I feel relaxed. I feel great.”
pain, scoliosis, injury.......“My old injury feels less painful now.” C.
cramps, tension
in hips.......“My hips feel noticeably different."
back pain.......“ I feel very relaxed, peaceful.
There is nice sweet energy flowing inside.” D.
pain in upper back....... She felt unwinding of old
injury out of her lower back as we focused there. More flow, less pain. More flow throughout body. L.
back pain, stress,
bereavement....... “I feel dense, which is good for me. Like I am sitting on a solid base rather than on a point.
My sit bones feel better.” M.
body stress, sore back.......“I’ve got new hips!” Z.
Other physical trauma issues: (comments from 20
Minute sessions) compound arm fracture not healing for 11 months.......She reports flow in arm and can feel energy in her hand for first time since the
break. 2) It started to heal, and Dr. agreed. A. pulled muscles, shoulder injury........“My
ribs can side bend now and the pain is mostly gone. I can breathe - it was hurting to breathe before. I feel so altered, in
such an altered state. 2) My side is feeling better. I felt the pain release. It feels more open, I have more sensations.
Not so tight.” D. concussion........ “You brought me back. (She had been
trying to heal and feel ok for 2 weeks after a very hard fall, hitting her head). I don’t know how else I could have
gotten back without your help. My sight is back to normal, my balance is back, and I feel ‘in’ again.” L. concussion........She
was thinking should go to hospital; now the nausea is gone, head feels better, and she feels okay. C.
injuries........“I haven't
had any flare ups in my injuries since my session.” C. tendonitis........ “Thanks again so much. My wrist is
not hurting. It really feels different. The inflammation, pain, and stiffness is reduced, and its mobility increased
greatly So, thank you, thank you, thank you. I consider myself to be a scientist. I didn’t believe that I could be helped
by energy work, but it works! I don’t need to go to the chiropractor now.” C.H., interior designer shoulder injury, back
pain, hip misalignment........“My shoulder’s way better and there’s
way less pain. That was so deep so fast. So much was done in such a short amount of time. 2) I’ve been walking
down the street so much less defended. Anger is less about my ex husband. The soreness of the area all around my heart where
I get acupressure is now gone. I feel light and spacious. 3) My arm is better. I could feel my shoulders open from the
work we had done. (more range of motion) I feel lively. 4) My shoulders are still back. It’s been 3 weeks
and you didn’t even touch me other than gently with your fingers for a moment. I feel much less floaty. This session
was priceless! 5) I feel much better. My back feels really different. I am more centered physically and energetically. All
the years of chi gung I could not feel energy coming up my feet, but I do now. 6) My hip really dropped into place.“
M. shoulder
inflammation........"I feel much lighter, more grounded. I definitely felt stuff moving and opening.”
M. old accident
injuries.......“I feel like a plant that’s just blossomed. I feel like I can see further, too.”
P. injuries
from old physical abuse........“I believe Christine is a true healer, and that
she had a physically measurable effect on my 25 year old trauma.“ S.C., gardener old debilitating knee injury from car wreck........5)
I felt my knee shift into place. 6) Everything is so much easier. I’m so happy. Knee looks and feels great. 7) It’s
much better and seems to get better all the time. It is almost completely healed and the pain is gone. I went dancing and
it is fine!” (She is still dancing, 2 years later!) S.
knee injury, stress........“ I feel more relaxed, soothed.
I feel different now, and there is no pain in my knee.” S.M., artist injuries........“My wrist and elbow seem to be staying in place more than before, and there is less pain
for sure! Christine did work briefly on the shoulder and there was a huge release, and this was extremely powerful!
I feel the greatest part of this treatment was felt in the area of connecting me more fully to my connection with Creator/Source
energy. I have felt much more balanced, and more stabilized in my Spiritual path.” Shakti-Amma, caretaker accident injuries........“I’ve
had energy work before, but this feels more balanced. It feels good.” T.
accident trauma........“I feel more centered in pelvis and whole spine.”
W. surgery
and whiplash........"I feel more flow
of my energy all over my body." W.
Physical issues (misc.):
(comments from 20 Minute sessions) kidney infection......."You
nailed that one, it's about the will to live. I choose to live." A. gut pain........“I feel relief.” 2)“
I am doing way better foundationally. You have touched my heart.” B.
hip replacement......
(76 years) “I feel better. I don’t have any pain now.” B.
nerve pain....... “That was intense. A
lot shifted. That was powerful.” D.
infected bleeding hemorrhoids........ “The bleeding has stopped, it doesn’t feel
swollen, and it feels like there is no infection anymore. I am totally pleased.” D. migraine........2) “My headache
is better. It feels like I am stepping into my pelvis, awakening my feminine. Our session really helped me be able to witness
that chaos can be creative and positive. 2) I feel re-sourced, loved and seen after our encounter and definitely reset.”
shoulder pain........“ The pain in my shoulder is gone. You’re great! I just
had a massage and that hadn’t helped at all!” J.
difficulty thinking, feeling
discombobulated after a surgery for months........We clear anesthetic out of body energetically and all 3 of us in
the room could smell it very clearly. “ That’s quite a trick you have there!” Afterwards,
a report from her that her clear thinking returned and she felt whole, all the parts were working together again, integrated,
and functioning very well. Tells her friend I am a miracle worker. J.
neck pain.......“1)
I feel so much better!” 2) “The openings that I felt during the last session have carried over. You put me back
in my body, the scattered energy. Everything was so much settled, the emotional imbalances that had been so bad."
"Wow! That was so quick (the emotional release from this session). I wasn’t expecting that. I have a new slate!
You just went in and released it so quickly!” K. menstrual difficulties after giving birth 3 years prior........"The pain and excessive
bleeding have stopped, and my cycle has normalized. I feel
so much better in my womb area now." C. physically not feeling well........ “I love your hands on
me, you working with me.” L. grinding teeth and neck pain........“ I feel relaxed.” M.
sore body........“My
hip and my back have already so opened, I want more. I feel so much better.” N.
curling of hand.......“My
fingers and hand are noticeably much straighter and the swelling is way down.” R.
Private Sessions for physical issues: extreme difficulty breathing, damaged atria,
exhaustion (82 years of age) ........ report after session 1:"The tightness around all my chest is relieved. I
had so much energy I couldn't even sleep all night." 2) " I feel like I have a new body. I feel great.".
After session 4: "Dear
Christine, Well, you did it again! I can hardly believe how well I am doing. Everything is working better. Big breakthrough
in my writing, Spirit expanding. Thanks so much." N.C., retired
neck pain........“Dear
Christine, I Just wanted you to know that the neck pain is really really gone! After 30 years of constant persistent
pain, you healed me! Totally – at times I marvel that the pain really is gone – my neck is free! Thank you
thank you and bless you Dear One.” A., recovery center director deafness........"I
can now hear well enough out of my previously deaf ear to carry on a whole conversation on the phone without even thinking
about it!" N. wrist pain........"I canceled my wrist surgery... there is no pain in it now. And you only touched it for a
moment." N.
injured knees........“Sitting cross legged my knees feel not as stiff. They are loosened and opened up.
I don’t feel pain in them and I feel the support of my spine now. I feel a menthol feeling, clean and crisp in my knees
now as I walk." A. Rheumatoid Arthritis,
post surgery scars and alignment........2) “I was surprised and pleased that the skin around my C-section (from
3 years ago) is now symmetrical and even. It physically looks better. Now it feels right in there. My hip feels more
soft, I have no pain sitting, and I am walking smoothly!” 3) I used to have to take steps one at a time.
I’m walking around normally now. I’m so grateful! My hip, I can’t believe it’s not bothering me. And
I’m really really happy. And my arthritis is not as bad as before seeing you. It’s amazing. I have no pain
at all. My mother even gave me the money to see you today, she is so happy for me. I want to be one of the people singing
your praises on your website!” J.
To schedule a session for your
healing, call Christine at 1-800-325-0264. For other comments and testimonials from clinic sessions, go to the Testimonials page's link below:
Click this for more testimonials
Rev. Christine is not a licensed physician, medically trained, nor a therapist. This work
is energetic and spiritual by nature, and we make no guarantees or claims. Every client is encouraged to see their medical
doctor, acupuncturist, and/or therapist for all issues.