Immune System Healing & Empowerment
Tuesday, March 17: 7:00 - 8:15
telecall or distance
Can't make that time? You can sign
up and still receive its benefits!,
as we will work with you no matter what
else you may be doing at the time !
up info is below
Got the coronavirus / immune system blues?
We will focus on your immune system
becoming more healthy in at least 5 powerful ways !!!
A LOT always happens in a short amount of time with these master call events.
They are super concentrated with their potential benefit with many levels
of your being,
and are packed with very rapid potential change from moment 1.
You can check out extraordinary testimonials from the last master call *
Abundance Breakthrough"
1) I will share information of how and why this current collective angst is
up around this virus, and will help clear this from everyone.
2) We will clear frequencies of fear, and
karmic, collective, and dualistic contractions that may have still been lurking in you that has been blocking your physical
health and well being in many ways. These may include expectation of attack,
memories of shock and trauma, physical parasites, fear of your power, feelings of not deserving, childhood experiences,
3) We will bring awareness to, and address, any kind of circumstances that viruses,
bacteria, fungi, and parasites of different kinds may get allowed into your body.
4) We will invite the physiological Immune
System back into functioning successfully in the physical tissues and all bodily processes, and invite the parasites and
their frequencies to LEAVE!
5) We will strengthen everyone's membrane of protection
of their soul's Earth body.
* I discovered a very precise and sacred medicine skill *
some time ago when I was working with a colleague who had just
contracted massive infections through a tick bite. The immune system habitually goes into 'cytokine storm' overreaction
(medical term) which creates problematic inflammation and negation of its natural functions, so I looked to see what I could
do to help him with this. I saw how his immune system was no longer engaged and integrated in the actual clearing of infections,
and was pulled out of almost all the cells and circulation systems. I was then immediately shown what to do to reinstate
and empower its function of healing and wholeness again, which I did!
Both my
colleague and I felt the empowered immune system immediately streaming throughout our bodies, reawakening and reinstating
its capacities into all our cells and their membranes. We felt its strength repairing and filling us. It was DELICIOUS.
Presto, MAGIC
~ Hooray!
So of course, I want to share it with as many people as possible especially now!
you are concerned about:
~ the rampant new viruses that are creating severe human challenges
~ fear of survival
~ have EVER had a bad infection of any kind,
or have one now
~ have had tick bites or diagnosed with Lyme or other parasites
~ been diagnosed with any autoimmune disease
~ want to feel more safe and release fears @ staying
alive during these catalytic times
~ want a strengthening of your immune system on spiritual, biophysical, DNA, karmic levels
~ want an activation into more of your purity
and divine relationship with all Life
~ want more awakening to the astonishing inherent intelligence of your body
Please consider attending this mastery event!
The healing works long distance even if you are not able to be live on the call with
Reserve your place NOW!
Special sliding
scale price of $85-$185
Please pay what you can- these groups give great & lasting value,
and take
many hours & much energy for me to deliver
* PREPAY by March 16 (the night before)
* Paypal: choose only the "SEND
TO FRIENDS and FAMILY" option, to:
sourcehealing(at)yahoo(dot)com (antispam spelling here)