What Is A Lifestream? a conversation with
Michael, et. al., published Aug. ’00 ”Woman Spirit Rising”
I asked my guidance if
there was anything they wanted to share with us for
this newsletter. This is what ensued:
“What is a lifestream? “
A lifestream is a
group energy that has agreed to operate on a
consensual basis which creates a homogenous identity
and hence, form; in this case, human in the third
“What does it take to expand it? “
A point of an idea which is vibrating slightly differently. If it
varied more, a whole new idea of creation would take form.
“What is the human lifestream doing now? “
The mold of karma is being released (karma as "previously" created
parameters of life patterns and possibilities).
Imagine a cookie cutter holding in the form of the
dough, or how the life configuration lies and from
which it creates. Remove the cookie cutter and the
cookie dough can expand, puff up, dissolve, run or
move, gestate a new form, etc. This is the new human
paradigm of possibility as we move from the relative
static nature of the third dimension to the fourth and
beyond.(which is simply vibrating at a faster rate.)
“What can we do to effect a smooth change?”
Hold intention of that. Call in Grace and
Abundance. Consciously breathe and relax, let go. Hold
a vision of freedom. Call on the energy and wellbeing
of your guides to assist you. Continue to place your
energy in constructive modes of thinking and being.
Trust. Expand your vision of what's possible and
beyond. The important thing to know is that you are
not separate from the Creator, that you are the
Creator in every moment. Namaste.