Source Healing and Awakening

Evolutionary Initiations Information and Application sign up

"Ignite into Your manifesting Magic!" Initiation
Thank Heavens! call series
Igniting Your Diamond Corona
Immune System Empowerment
Abundance Breakthrough
Source Healing & Awakening ~ the work
About Christine Hodil
Contact & Payment
Mp3s Store
RENEWAL Energetics training program
Physical Trauma Healing Testimonials
More Testimonials
Lyme Disease Healing
Breaking the Bonds of Duality online course
Music Samples
Prayers of Awakening project
The Illuminated Sound of Creation
Singing, Sound, Healing Voice
Your Abundant Prosperity mp3s
New Heart, New Gut & Core Alignment
New Gut and Inner Core Upgrade
Evolutionary Initiations, Modules 1-3
"Free at Last" Initiation program
Source Training Program
8 Chakras Healing & Activation Series Mp3s
The Divine Template of Man Initiation
Source Connections Intensives & Healing Services

Contact information:
First and last name:
Email address:
Request information on:
Free call/webinar?
Program logistics?


Please fill in this brief form and we will keep you informed of when the next offering of these very special Evolutionary Initiations will be offered again.

I am also looking into finding a recording of a previous experiential telecall, and will send you the link to it if and when I find it! In it you will be able to experience some transformational energies for your unfoldment into your full abundance!

I do not share my email list with anybody, and you can always unsubscribe at any time! I am interested in serving you well. The reason I am also asking for your last name is so I can more easily intuit your 'fit' for upcoming  programs.

Attending this kind of Mastery Program with us is a commitment and we want to make sure that it is a great fit for everyone who attends. When we have the next one developed and ready, we will also send you more information about pricing and logistics. For those people who want to attend that I intuit a 'yes, this is a good fit, or a possibility, I am offering a 10 minute phone consultation to meet each other and answer questions where appropriate. In this case please leave me your phone number if you would like me to call you. 

Much love, 
